Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Baby Girl!

My littlest Princess turned 6!!! Born August 2, 2006. She came in at 5 lbs 10 oz and 18.5 inches long! She was so beautiful! So excited for Madison to have a little sister! Gosh have those 6 years flown by! Everyone always tells you that kids grow up so fast, and you really never grasp the severity of how true that is until your own children grow up year after year. Sad! She used to be my cuddle bug, my sweet little quiet one. She still will snuggle on a rare occasion, but goodness her and my oldest are really switching roles on me lately. Now Averie is the sassy, and very dramatic child!

So Averie is all bummed out year after year of having a summer birthday. Madison always gets the spring birthday during school so always has big parties of some sort. We try with Averie, but at this age "close" friends to keep in  contact for her at this age are hard, and everyone is always on vacation. Last year we spent her birthday visiting Brew in Ohio, which was fun.

This year with school starting the same week, we had our own celebration at home, in which she was very spoiled and this weekend are going camping, (as in a majorly decked out camper with plasmas and good food) haha, in Payson. My grandma and mom are making her a cake and she is super excited!

She is growing up so fast! Last night her and Madison were talking about boyfriends, who broke up with who, etc. I about died! What happened to my little girls? It is very hard, no matter how you as a mom try to keep your kids little its a daily challenge to avoid what they hear, see and get from the outside world at school, from friends, etc. I always call  them my babies, which they hate and always tell me they are kids, I also hate the word kid, "My kid", sounds Ghetto to me!

6 going on 16.....My sweet babies! God help me!

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