Brew is finally home!! I could not be happier and more elated to wake up to his amazing smile every single day and to be able to say goodnight in person every single night and not over Skype! The girls are in dreamland that he is home. They love him so much and all the things he does with them. He got home last Saturday and we had the whole night to ourselves! We had an amazing date night, which we haven't had in MONTHS! We went to dinner, a movie and went to the casino and played some black jack (I am obsessed with Black Jack but sometimes see "Chips" as "Tokens" and that doesn't make Brew happy)only to find out my last $20 I had to play with & we were walking out with was better used at the Wheel of Fortune machine where we got a $1,000 spin! Yes a grand! Woop woop! That was super exciting considering I always think the Wheel of Fortune machine is a waste. Then Monday comes and back to reality, but it was so nice to come home every night after work to him instead of waiting a few hours for his game to be over.
So lets kill the white elephant in the room. I let Brew have his few days of a drive home to process what happened to his arm, he drove silently home for 3 days and stopped in Texas on his way to spend 2 nights with his parents. It was a rough few days for us not being together and really not knowing what to say. Once he got home, after our amazing weekend we discussed everything that happened and what the plan was. I am a super planner and super A type personality and I need it all laid out, however lately I've learned not everything needs to be solved in a day which is now what I'm trying to teach Brew so he stops worrying. At this point in his career, his heart is still very much in it, but every year that goes by it gets more difficult for him to see the future playing. The fact of the matter is, before he got hurt, he did great this year, his numbers were great. I don't doubt he wont play again next year if we decide the opportunity is right for him. Many don't know, but our backup plan, which I've tried to not let him think about since I don't want to stress him out or make him feel that he needs one or divert his focus off baseball, has always been in the works. Brew has been thinking about joining the Fire Department the past few years. In fact, two off seasons ago he started the process and actually was going thru the interview process with the City of Phoenix, but a few weeks before the scheduled date, the phone rang late in the off season, and we had a choice to make. With all of our excitement with the future, we went through a lot of back and forth feelings and I told him to go. He didn't want to pass up the chance with the Fire Dept, but I told him the Fire Department will always be here and it would kill me if he stayed and regretted it and asked himself down the road,"what if". So off he went and two more seasons have gone by. During this season, we looked at classes to get started on but they started in August (this week) and he wouldn't have been home in time. So we brushed it off. So once he got home this week, and I was looking for all the reasons why this was meant to be, I told him now he is home and can start the EMT certification he needs and the other classes he needs to take. At least this way, even if we go play again in the Spring, he would already have the whole Fall semester complete and his EMT Certification and State Board all complete and in his back pocket should anything in the future not work out the way we planned. Than he can play and at that point we just wait until the Fire Department hires again, which is rare but will happen between now and late 2013.
Finally he was excited again and realized this really all did happen for a reason and was in gods plans this way. We got him all registered for what he needed, books and all. Thankfully the Seattle Mariners pay for his College since he was drafted by them out of early College so his degree is free! Things were going in the right direction and we decided to take baseball one day at a time. Well once it was released to the public this past week that he was no longer with the Red Sox, the phone rang. A team was offering him to come and was shocked he wasn't with the Red Sox anymore. They didn't know he was hurt so Brew had to explain he couldn't play yet and needed to work on his arm and would be ready by winter or spring at the latest. They said they would check back. It was nice to hear from a team and know that his hard work this season didn't go unnoticed. The same day, when we were at my moms at 8:30 at night, the phone rang again! Ahhh! I heard him repeat the same thing to the guy and they said they will check back in a few months. Just when we didn't think about baseball for a few days, it was very difficult to have to tell teams no and have those conversations. My heart was very sad for him, but happy at the same time. I told him it was bittersweet but reminded him as hard as it was, he did the right thing by telling them no and making sure he works on his arm and its really ready. No matter the circumstance, it breaks your heart when you see someone work so hard for their dream and then when you have opportunities you have to pass just kills me.
He had a long call with the Red Sox head trainer after this and was told he needs to rest his arm for a few months, start throwing again in December and go from there. I think this made him feel a lot better about things and not worry about baseball right now so he can focus on just being home right now and getting this semester done and working towards other plans on the side. So now, a week later, Brew has started school! He has morning and night classes with professors who are Phx Fire Chiefs/Captains. I actually connected him with one of them thru a Police officer who comes to our office a lot. They invited him to go on calls with them and hang out at the fire house to experience it all. Its great for him to have contacts like that! Right direction! Poor guy was up til midnight last night studying, reading and doing homework! So proud of him and his focus. He sure is a sexy man when he acts so smart! Baseball, Firefighting, or whatever he ends up doing I know he will be great! I think I can deal with going from a baseball uniform to a fireman uniform...ANY Day! =)
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