Monday, June 11, 2012

A week of Peace...should prepare for a Chaos

With my husband gone from March to September, one would think I would be very lonely. Yet with two kids and two dogs, its not a feeling I experience in a real "lonely" definition too often. Some would say that's a blessing....I beg to differ! =)
This summer for the first time, I let the girls go away for vacation without mommy. Brew parents, my in laws, have been begging for me to send them to Texas so they can visit with them for a week. I finally caved thinking the girls are now old enough now and it would be nice to have a week of peace. So after the girls left for Texas for a full week, my house was peaceful! The first 4 nights were like heaven, quiet, nightly wine, catching up on my DVR, and no stressing out in the morning getting them up and ready while I am trying to leave for the office. However, after the 4th night my loneliness really set in and I really missed them being here. I missed the noise and their voices. I went to dinner and drinks with one of my best friends and tried to just pass the time at night since my days were so busy with work, thank goodness. 
Finally, Saturday I got the girls back. They had an amazing time in Texas. They were active from dusk til dawn. They went fishing, went to the Dairy Farm, went to two baseball games, saw the cousin baby MJ, went to an amusement park, went swimming oh and get this, they took naps. NAPS! Daily at that. They seriously have not taken naps since they were babies. I don't know what my mother in law was feeding these kids, but I about died when I heard that. Madison told me she wouldn't take them at home, because there is never any peace and quiet. Too funny, shes right about that one. They went on and on about the things they did and how much fun they had. I was happy I sent them since we only visit Texas a few times each year in the fall/winter.The day I got them we snuggled, gave huge hugs all day, rented a movie, played, talked & I remembered why I missed them so much those last few days.
Well, let me tell you, its like when  you take a vacation from work, sometimes, it isn't worth it, because you know what a disaster your going to come back to so you skip the vacation, or just regret it once your back. Later that night, no more than 20 minutes was I not giving them my undivided attention, while quietly playing in there room., (that should have been my first sign of a disaster), Averie and Madison decided to Picasso their expensive beds and dresser. Oh my Goodness, I about died!!!!!!!!!Nail paint ALL over the white wood, Averies name written in Nail paint, finger marks of paint ALL over the bed and the carpet! I was so upset. 20 minutes...Once I was over being upset, I made them sit there and scrub it for an hour. It did not come off. I used nail polish remover, big mistake. Made the wood worse. So I stopped and was fighting back the tears. Ugh! Finally I just gave up, took all the makeup, nail polish and paint out of their room and took them for a walk to get a movie. I called Brew and he said to leave it til he comes home in September. If you know me, I cannot handle things unkept and looking like that, so this makes me crazy!! How can two little girls make such a disaster? Very very easy!
Well folks, back to my world of Chaos and reality! I realized I didn't drink enough wine when they were gone, because someone knew I would need some leftover for when they came home! Moral of the story: My Kids will Fool you! Fool you! (but I do love them very much)

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