Clearly, Ive been a little sidetracked since April, my last blog post! Its been a long journey and I could make this a million pages long telling you our story on trying to conceive but I will skip those tears and get to the good stuff! I found out we were pregnant in April after a good year of actively trying. I was 100% positive I would not be pregnant when I took the test. I was pregnant in this pic two days before I found out and didnt know. Guess The monster Snickers should have given me a clue!!!
We kept it a secret for awhile from the main public other than family and very close friends. A few weeks after I found out we had to go the emergency room for bleeding. The unkind and unsympathetic doctor told me he saw nothing and I was probably having a miscarriage. My HCG levels were very high so he said to check back with my doctor in 48 hours to see if they double. They gave me all kinds of info that just devastated me and really had no answers. We went home and cried for a good few days. Our baby is a fighter tho and a few days later my HCG more than doubled and continued to and now we are weeks from our due date! We told everyone with this quick home pic we threw together of our girls.
I was very sick the first trimester. Miserable working and trying to manage it all. I felt so sick day and night I prayed for it to be over every single day. Finally at around 15 weeks It all went away. I started to show very very quick. I was the same with both girls. I dont know why my body just pops out every time im pregnant but it does every time. Nothing I can do. At this point ive pretty much run out of alphabet in bra sizes (scary) and ive gained 63 lbs.Yes a Whopping 63 so far and im gaining about a 1 lb a week now going forward these last 7 weeks. Fabulous!!!
About 8 weeks here. I Popped out fast!!
10 weeks here!
12 weeks
18 weeks
21 weeks
25 weeks
3rd Trimester
30 weeks
Most recent 33 weeks
- XOXO -